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How to Design Eye-Catching Ads for Your Target Audience

The Creatorpreneurs Academy brings together strategic marketing with eye-catching design so you have the tools and skills to grow your business fast.

So you have a product or service to offer and you want to make an advertisement to get it in front of people. But how do you decide what kind of ad to make? What image should you put on your ad? What colors and fonts should you use to really grab attention?

The truth is… you’ll never know unless you’re sure about who you want your ad to speak to. That starts with finding out who your target audience is. Once you do this, creating an ad will be easier and making sales will be faster.

Follow These Four Steps to Create Perfect Ads for Your Target Audience

1. Clearly Define Your Customer

You must understand who your customers are in order to create ads specifically for them. The goal here is to find out who is the person who will buy your product without hesitation?

Answer These Questions About Your Target Audience:

  1. How old are they?
  2. Are they male or female?
  3. Do they have children?
  4. Are they married or divorced?
  5. How much money do they make?
  6. How much education do they have?
  7. What’s their occupation?
  8. Where do they live?

You might also benefit by understanding their personal/professional interests and needs. What communities (online and offline) do they hang out in? Is there a common theme with other members in this community? Are they all over age 40 and divorced? All parents with teen children?

Finally, create an “avatar” of that customer (an image of this person in your mind or on paper). You can actually create a visual and stick it on the wall so that this person is easy to keep in mind.

The 4 steps to creating ads for your target audience

2. Identify Their Problem

Now that you’ve identified who your customer is, what kind of problem do they have that you can solve? If you have identified your customer correctly, these people will be happy to “pay” you to solve their problem.

Therefore, your success with advertising depends on correctly identifying their problem, frustration, or pain. But no worries, you can do this by answering these questions:

  • What is their specific problems, frustrations, or pains? Be specific.
  • Can my product or service solve these problems?
  • What are one or two reasons this customer would “object” to purchasing my product or service (even though it will solve their problem)?
  • How will I overcome these objections? What will I tell them or show them that’ll squash those objections?

Here’s a Laughingbird Software example of an audience objection:

A common objection to using Laughingbird Software’s Graphics Creator is… “I don’t know anything about design, so I can’t create my own graphics!”

In response to the objection above about not having any design experience, I’d say… “You can create professional-looking graphics for ads, social media, etc., WITHOUT any design experience using ready-made templates and easy drag and drop images”.

3. What Message Do You Want to Give Your Customer?

Now that you know who your target audience is, it’s time to be clear on who you are and what you have to offer. Although you’ll do this with the eye-catching design you’re going to create, you’ll also grab their attention with your words.

To help you decide what to say, try this exercise. State EXACTLY what you offer, who you will help, and what problem you’re product or service will solve. Fill in the blank (remember this from your school days?):

I help ___________________ do/achieve/get/learn _______________ so they can _______________ without _________________.

Here’s my own example: I help small, online business owners create their own graphics so they can quickly market their product or service without spending a lot of money or waiting for someone else to do it.

And, here’s a couple more:

I help middle aged, professional women, get rid of age spots so that they can look great and feel confident without waiting months for a creme to work or getting laser surgery.

I help online solopreneurs create an effective business plan so they can easily grow their business without feeling overwhelmed and financially drained.

Got it?! Now, translate your “me” statement into a “you” statement.

My example:

Small, online business owners... create your own graphics so you can quickly market your product or service without spending a lot of money or waiting for someone else to do it.

That’s it! Your audience has been targeted and you’ve got the information you need to design your ad.

4. Create an Eye-Catching Ad for Your Customers

Now that you know who your customers are, understand their problem, and are ready with your offer, create an ad with a message just for them!

If you don’t already have The Graphics Creator, grab the downloadable Ad Creator templates here (BONUS: get The Graphics Creator 8 software for FREE… Don’t forget to use the coupon code for $10 off: ADCREATOR10

Watch this video to see how to design a targeted ad using The Ad Creator templates from The Graphics Creator.

Leave comments or questions about designing your ad… Marc and I will be happy to answer them!

How to Create New Marketing Content from Old Articles

If you’re finding it harder than ever to stand out from the competition, you’re not alone. Consumers have endless choices of articles to read, videos to watch, courses to take, and products to buy.

And, as entrepreneurs, you’ll also get a lot of advice on how to stand out in the crowd. You’ve probably heard of “content marketing”, the basic idea being to create consistent content for the people you’re targeting.

Unfortunately, that translates into constantly coming up with new content! Feeling a little overwhelmed?! We totally get it.

So, we’re sharing an idea that’ll help decrease the stress and pressure of giving your customers great content…

WATCH the video and read below to learn more…

…and then make sure to check out the special offer below on the templates you need for content creation.

Create Attention-Getting Content with this offer:

FREE Graphics Creator 8 software +

$10 off each template set with coupon:


Blog Graphics Templates,

Pinterest Templates (with Motion backgrounds),

and The Ad Creator Templates

(grab them now for $10 off each… see discounted total in cart)!

Create New Content from Old Articles or Blog Posts

You don’t have to constantly invent great content. Get creative and use what you have! Just change up your article or blog content to provide a fresh perspective using these ideas:

  • Turn your video into a blog article (or your blog article into a video)
  • Take an idea or two from old content and build on it to create more detailed content about that topic
  • Change your title and intro to catch the eye of a new group of people
  • Turn an article into a simple “list post”(just number important points and leave out any “fluff”)
  • Turn it into a Powerpoint presentation with awesome visuals
  • Take your free offer (aka: lead magnet) and turn it into a blog article or mini-course (or your article into a free offer)
  • Post clear and relevant article images that show your point, in place of written words

Now you need to decide what content to modify using one of the ideas above.

Content Marketing Strategy: How to Create Content for Your Blog Fast
Share this article and video on Pinterest

Follow This Simple 4-Step Way to Make New Content to Share with Your Audience…

Start by looking through your old content that hasn’t had any traffic in a while. Then decide to do one of 4 things with it:

1. Trash it. If it’s no longer relevant to your business or perhaps so horribly written that you’d have to start over anyway, then get rid of it.

2. Update it to make it current, or make it into a more comprehensive article. Choose to do this by using one of the ideas mentioned above.

3. Add one or two new ideas, give it a new title, and update links. Make sure the content is still very relevant to your niche and helpful to your audience.

4. Create brand new, relevant images for a whole new look (perhaps even make images the focal point of your new content).

Start Every Article with a Featured Graphic (like the ones below)

Examples of a “Featured Graphic” designed using Laughingbird Software’s “The Graphics Creator”

Featured graphics, such as the four examples above, are needed to grab attention to your article. Additionally, add titles with keywords and a relevant image that pertains to your article’s content. Not only will it help your audience understand your topic, but you’ll also be helping Google and other search engines find and list you.

Creating New Marketing Content Is Easy

Now make one or two new pieces of content that speak to your customers. Don’t forget to consider which content worked well the first time around. Or whether your target customer has changed since that old content was shared.

No matter what you decide to do with your old content, don’t forget to include eye-catching blog graphics.

And make sure you watch the video to find out exactly how to create designs for your new content.

Think about it… just updating a couple of articles will give you new content to give your audience in far less time than starting a new topic.

Update your blog images and graphics- in minutes- using The Graphics Creator!

Create Killer Content!

FREE Graphics Creator 8 software +
$10 off each template set with coupon:


Blog Graphics Templates,

Pinterest Templates (with Motion backgrounds),

and The Ad Creator Templates

(grab them now for $10 off each… see discounted total in cart)!

Focus On Video Storytelling to Gain More Customers

Why Do I Need to Tell a Story With Video?

Did you know the human attention span has dwindled to 8 seconds (from 12 seconds back in the year 2000)?

… which is less than the attention span of a puppy! ?

Therefore, you need to do whatever you can to grab the attention of your viewer within the first 8 seconds (or less) of your video.

People love stories (how many times have you sat around with a group of friends telling stories when you could’ve been doing any number of other things… right?)

Storytelling has turned into a new and powerful ‘sales pitch’ that’s getting real results. And video is helping us tell better stories.

When you’re indulging in video marketing, the rules remain the same. You need to give immense value and make sure your video content is filling a need. Storytelling helps you do that. It lets you connect with your target audience.

Use an Explainer Video to Tell Your Story

Here’s a fantastic article showing how to create your own ‘explainer video’ using elements of a story. This article actually helped inspire this Creatorpreneurs Quick-Win.

Now that you’ve read the article, create a video focusing on telling a story that showcases your business in a positive light and lets your brand’s personality shine. Take a look at the video to see how easy it is to do with Powtoons (one of the video creation products we use ourselves).

Create and Share Premium Marketing Content

In order to build trust with your audience, you have to demonstrate authority and credibility by providing value.

What better way to provide value than giving your prospective customers a glimpse of the value they’ll get by purchasing your product or service?

How to Share Free Content

Free content positions you as an expert and authority on the topic – As people see you creating free YouTube videos packed with helpful information, or e-books overflowing with awesome advice, or podcasts filled with valuable interviews, they start to see you as the expert on the subject. The more value you give, the higher your authority status.

The more content you create on a consistent basis, the bigger your fan-base will grow. And the more consumers will share your work with others in their network, affirming your status as an authority. This is an effective form of word-of-mouth marketing.

Think of free content as a test drive — no one is going to buy a car without driving it first.

Plus, free content is consumed 50 times more often than content that sits behind a paywall. It also creates more exposure and earns new customers.

Types of Premium Marketing Content You Should Give Away

Deciding which content you should distribute for free needs to be a strategic decision.

You need to be thinking three steps ahead. You’re looking to create leverage that allows you to eventually do something for profit, so figure out what kind of content will get you what you want, and who needs to see it.

Some examples of free content:

  • Skype consultations,
  • downloadable ebooks and other info-products,
  • videos,
  • training material,
  • YouTube videos
  • podcasts.

Easy Content Strategy

Here’s what you need to do: Take a look at your product/service offers. Think of 3 types of free content you can create that’ll really help your prospects solve a problem and establish you as an authority.

Now, create the content that’ll be most helpful for your customer (but that is fairly easy to create, if possible). Don’t forget to create beautiful headers, footers, thumbnails, etc., so that it looks professional and is exciting to consume.

Finally, set a date that you’ll send out your free content to your prospects.

Final notes: Make sure your freebie is easy to consume and share.

AND, make sure your content is presented in a format that can be accessed on both desktop and mobile devices.

How To Create a Freebie To Grow Your Business

Did you know that 80% of visitors that come to your website tend to leave almost immediately? They’ll never buy your product or consider your service. After all, they don’t know you, so why would they buy from you?

But if you could email them a few tips, tricks or videos on using your product or service, then surely they’d learn that you have a great product. That sure would make selling it easier, wouldn’t it?

So, to do this, you’ll need to ask for their email address. And, to get their email address, you’ll need to give them something in return. This is where your free giveaway comes in. You can easily create a free PDF file for them to download.

How to make a freebie in under one hour:

Ask yourself: “What do I know? What am I good at?”

Then create a list of things that answers those questions. Decide what you can offer that your customers would love or find helpful.

Here are some examples of freebies you can make:

-10 ways to keep a dog calm on a leash (if you’re a dog walker).
-25 tips on writing a headline (if you’re a blogger)

Or you can find a list of apps that relate to your business and put them together in your document.

The truth is, people love “list items” because they’re quick to read. The most popular types are: Checklists, tutorials, reference guides, or inspirational quotes (search Google for ones that fit your industry).

Once you’re done with your list and save it as a PDF, make it look nice so that people want it. If you’re not sure how to do this yourself, you can hire someone on Fiverr or Upwork to make it look pretty.

How to use a freebie to grow your business:

Now that your free download is complete, you need to learn how to use your freebie to start growing your business.

First, you need to make your free PDF look professional, important, and helpful. People must be willing to give you their email in return for your free offer. Here’s how to do that…

Create a Professional-looking “cover” Presentation

Therefore, you must create a professional “cover” for it. You’re much more likely to get people to download it if it looks like a “real” product. Also, a nice cover design promises them quality and gives them a reason to trust you.

Watch the video to see exactly how to create a “virtual cover” with The Graphics Creator.

And, don’t forget that the goal is to increase your sales, so use these tips to make a perfect book cover or box shot:

  • Choose a cover graphic that best represents your business (don’t make it look like a “novel” if it’s not)
  • Use only 1-2 fonts for your attention-getting title and other text (and make sure it’s readable at even the smallest scale)
  • Give your cover a background color, texture or image that contrasts with your cover’s text
  • Use a mockup for a different attention-getting presentation of your product (put it on a billboard, computer screen, mobile phone, etc.) and share it on social media, your website, and your blog!

Share Your Awesome Freebie

  • Tell people exactly what they’ll get if they give you their email address.
  • Then make sure they can access the freebie easily in the email you send (just add a link to download it) and/or on a “thank you” page.
  • And, don’t forget to follow-up with them through email. This is the point at which you can start letting them know how your paid products or services can help… and start getting sales!

You’ll learn what your customers want and how to make offers as you go. Right now, the most important thing is that you start getting them onto your email list by creating a freebie that they really want and need.

Create Your eCover or Mockup Presentation now