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Affiliate Graphs


How to Use Your Brand to Promote Yourself

What do you think when you see someone drinking out of a mug with a popular business logo on it? Perhaps your thought is, “I sure wish my business was big enough to do that”, or “How did that company get to be so popular?”

Promote Your Business Image

Newsflash! You don’t have to be “big” or “popular” to start getting more business and make more money. You just need to have a rockin’ logo or brand image that you put in front of everyone’s eyes so that you’re sure to become “big” and “popular”.

Promote Your Business Using Your Brand Logo

What’s the first thing you see in your mind when someone says “McDonald’s”? The Golden Arches “M” logo, of course!

That’s what you’re going for when you create your logo… something simple but that stands out. It needs to be easy to recognize. However, that does not mean boring! If you have a logo you’re planning on keeping but that isn’t very exciting, consider how you might modify it to stand out more.

You can actually bring your logo into The Graphics Creator and try it on different backgrounds or add an outline or shape to it.

If you don’t already have a logo you love, create a brand new one with The Graphics Creator templates (watch the video to see how easy it is!) or even start with a blank canvas and import your own images.

The Best Promotional Items to Give Away

Decide whether you’d like to show off your business with mugs, mousepads, business cards, or stickers. These are the best because they are useful, simple, and inexpensive. It’s just too hard to put your brand image on a pen (and clothing can get expensive).

If you go to Vistaprint, they’ve got a ton of options to choose from that’ll work within your budget.

Have a select number of items printed. Then give them out as prizes, free “with purchase”, free with a special offer attached, or to thank your most valued clients.

How to Advertise Your Business on a T-Shirt

Want a simple and fun way to advertise your company? Have you ever thought about designing t-shirts with your company logo or motto? And did you know that you can actually inspire conversations about your product or service, as well as visually connect with your customers?

Why You Should Promote Your Business on a T-Shirt

If you want to grow your business, bringing awareness to it is ridiculously important. Having a business t-shirt design will act as a billboard… and even better, one that goes places!

And, by getting your t-shirts in the hands of your customers, employees, or fellow conference-goers, you’ll finally be seen and remembered (so you need the perfect design). You can even encourage others to wear your t-shirts in pictures posted on social networking sites. 

Take Your Time Designing a Business Shirt

First, take the time to decide what’s right for your business. You might look up funny or inspirational quotes in your niche. And always consider using your logo, brand image, or product as a design on your shirt. Or maybe you can even match your business idea with a recent trend that’ll make your shirt really stand out!

No matter what you decide to do, make sure your design makes it absolutely clear who you are and gives them the motivation to go look you up online.

How to Design a Company T-Shirt

Keep these tips in mind:

  • Don’t just imagine the design on a T-shirt: Make a mockup of the design on a t-shirt model to see what it really looks like
  • The most popular designs are simple (however, you still need to pay attention to details)
  • Consider your market: Who is the exact person you want to attract to your T-shirt design: What are they like (male/female, age, income, ); what other brands do they like, and where would they wear your t-shirt… sorry, wearing it to bed just doesn’t count.
  • If you’re using humor, keep it subtle… what’s funny to one can be offensive to another
  • Choose the right colors: Consider using your brand colors and/or complementary colors
  • Prepare your design properly (watch the video to see how easily you can create the perfect design with The Graphics Creator)
  • Find a good printer: We use VistaPrint and count on them to have a quality T-shirt product.

Make Your T-Shirt Advertising Effective

Finally,  think about how you’re going to share your shirt. Now that you’ve spent the time and money to create a shirt, you want your advertising to increase your brand recognition and sales.

A t-shirt can be a very effective marketing tool because:

  1. It’s a billboard, or “walking advertisement”… and it can go everywhere and anywhere!
  2. You can actually use them as decorations: Hang them on chairs, walls and car windows!
  3. They’re big-time conversation starters: What does that logo mean? Do you work for that company? That’s really cool… where do I get one? How do I become part of the team?
  4. It shows your brand and increases recognition!

Now, get that t-shirt out there! Consider your business goals… then decide:

Will you have a free give-away, hand them out at events, sell them at wholesale price (to get as many out there in the world as you can), let customers qualify by meeting certain criteria, or have a contest?

Get creative!

How to Use Motion Graphics to Grow Your Business

Everyone posts memes and quotes on social media. But, we’d like to share how to stand out in this sea of posts, tweets, snaps, and messages. Use this idea to get more visitors to your website and/or to get them to engage with your company, giving you the opportunity to earn their trust. Here it is…

Use custom motion graphics!

Why Are Motion Graphics Important for Online Business?

Motion graphics communicate visually. When they’re used in a group of static images and words, as is often the case in social media, they catch the viewer’s eye quickly. This brings attention to your content and draws the eye away from your competitor’s content. And, when text is included in your motion graphic, it provides interesting visual information.

How to Use Motion Graphics to Grow Your Business

If you’ve never used motion graphics, it can sound a bit scary. But, we’ll show you what to do to get more customers using motion graphics and grow your business, even if you don’t have any design skills.

In a nutshell, you’ll create a series of social messages and then enhance them with motion graphic backgrounds. And then, you’ll post them regularly to your social media accounts with the help of a free or paid tool.

Here’s how this technique will help you grow your business, using Facebook as an example. When you post regularly to Facebook, their algorithm sees you as an active user and will start showing your posts to more and more people. And the more viewers see and comment on your post, the more Facebook will show your post!

How to Use Motion Graphics to Get Engagement on Social Media

  • Make a week’s worth of motion social graphics (plan on 4-5 per week or more): Watch the video!
  • You can use inspirational quotes from leaders in your niche (use Google to find out who you can quote and what they’ve had to say);  Or, share helpful tips from your own expert knowledge.
  • Set up a tool that’ll share your posts automatically: Take a look at the free options from Hootsuite, Buffer, SocialOomph, or Tweetdeck
  • Schedule all weekly posts (or even schedule them a month in advance)
  • And don’t forget to ask your viewers to take action in some way. Perhaps you could ask them a question like: “So, is this true for you…?”. Or clearly tell them what they need to do next: “Let me know what you think of this message”, or “Click on this link for more help.”

How to Share Content on Social Media to Grow Your Business

You know something important that others don’t know! Yes, you do! And “your people” out there waiting for you to share an answer to their problem.

Share Helpful Content That Sells

If you’re not sure what to share, then ask yourself…

  • “What do I know that I can teach to others who don’t know it”?
  • Or, “What have I learned that now I can share?”
  • Or even, “What do I enjoy that others would too?”

Seriously, sit down and write the answers to these questions… yes, right now! It’s time to BECOME THE TEACHER your people are waiting for… simply share what you already know that’ll benefit them!

Share Content on Social Media Consistently

Follow these guidelines to easily start sharing through social media every day of the week:

  • Write out 7 tips for 7 days of posts- Each tip should be simple but give out a tip that your people can take action on right away.
  • Then include one tip each in an attention-getting graphic. You need a high-quality graphic that stands out (please do NOT use the cheesy pink/purple backgrounds that others use on Facebook). To make it super easy, you can create the perfect graphic in The Graphics Creator, and then simply modify it as desired for each expert tip.
  • Now, write each post giving careful consideration to what you want someone to do when they see it. That is, make sure it has a call-to-action. If you don’t want it to be a sales pitch, then you can tell them to “Get more tips like this”, “Sign up for my free worksheet”, or “Check back tomorrow for another tip.”
  • Auto-Schedule your 7 posts for the week

How to Auto-Schedule your Social Media Posts on Facebook

Step 1: Go to your Facebook Page and Choose Publishing Tools from the menu waayyyy at the top of the page.

Step 2: Click on Create 

Step 3: Write your post and import your graphic… Choose Photo/Video or simply drag your image in from your desktop

Step 4: Under the “Share Now” pull-down menu, choose Schedule

Step 5: Add your date and time

Step 6: Click Schedule

How to Auto-Schedule Your Posts on other Social Media Platforms

You can also auto-schedule directly on Twitter and Pinterest. However, if you’re planning on posting consistently, and through many social platforms, then you may want to look into a scheduler that’ll let you automate all of your posts.

Loomly, Hootsuite, and Buffer, and Tailwind (for Pinterest and Instagram specifically) are just a few of the tools to choose from.