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Facebook Business Page – How to Create One That Sells Your Product

Having an online presence is necessary for business success… and having a Facebook business page to sell your product will help you reach your sales goals.

But like any social media tool, you have to know how to use your Facebook business page effectively to get positive results.

First, create it with your business goals in mind. What do you want it to do for your business? How do you want people to interact with your business page?

Second, you need to make it look professional and grab your visitors’ attention. Continue reading to find out exactly how to do this!

How to Create a Facebook Business Page That Will Sell Your Product

A Facebook business page, in addition to a personal Facebook page, is a necessary tool to help you sell your product or service.

But like any social media tool, you have to know how to use it effectively before it produces positive results. First, you need to set it up with all of the important business and brand details. Then, you have to make it visually grab the attention of your visitors!

Wondering how you can do this? Read on…

Learn How to Sell on Your Facebook Business Page. Get tips and tricks to help you grow your business with Facebook.

Why You Should Use Facebook in Your Marketing Strategy

Facebook is currently the biggest social media platform on Earth with well over 2 billion active monthly users. That’s a third of the entire human population. The number is understandably overwhelming. But consider this: You have a huge chance of reaching your target audience!

To understand who those users are and how they use Facebook you can find out more. Knowing these statistics will help you sell your product or service to the right market.

Now, get ready to build your page, learn how to post correctly, and engage with your audience!

How to Get Visitors to Engage with Your Facebook Business Page

If you want to reach your target audience, you need to build a Facebook page that showcases your business brand. It’s helpful to understand that a business page can reach your target audience in a way your personal Facebook page just can’t.

With a Facebook business page, you can specify a category that your business belongs to (Local Business, Brand or Product, Entertainment, etc.).

Also, you’ll have the freedom to use Facebook’s analytics data, pin your posts, add contact information (such as your email address, website URL, and phone number) and schedule your posts.

So, to begin creating your business page, add all of the information you can so that page visitors will know who you are and how to reach you. Don’t leave out anything if you can!

Fill in every detail that tells your visitors how your product or service can help them. Your audience needs to get a feel of what your business and brand are all about.

Next, add a high-quality profile picture, either of yourself or your business logo. Don’t let viewers think you are hiding or unsure of what you have to offer by leaving a blank profile picture.

And here’s another must do in order to sell your product through your Facebook Business page:

Facebook now has a button available for you to “Edit” on your business page (see image below). This is a great way to promote an offer that’ll help you sell your product.

Use Facebook's new button on your business page to get your visitors to take action. Offer something of value that'll make them click.

The basic idea should be to ask visitors to click by offering something of value (or a way to solve their most pressing problem).

Click to edit this button. Then choose the action you want your business page visitors to do. For example, you can select from “call now”, “follow”, “contact us”, “use app”, and more.

Next, add the information required so that visitors to your business page will be taken where you want them to go when they click on it.

Finally, add a professional-looking Facebook cover photo or header. Make sure it’s not blurry or gets cut off. Facebook is always changing the header size… so look up the specifications before adding a new header.

You might also consider adding a promotion or Call-to-Action (CTA) on your header. Offering a freebie in return for their email is always a good idea to help you sell your product or service. Change your Facebook header as often as needed to remind others of your special offer.

Here’s an example… Laughingbird Software uses the header to tell visitors to click on the button below to get their free design software and templates.

Use a professional Facebook header that promotes your product

Guide to Posting on Your Facebook Business Page

What, when, and how you post determines how successful your Facebook business page is in selling more and growing your business.

Only share valuable content. This can include free offers, articles, graphics, videos, shared posts from others, tips, motivational quotes, and even direct links to buy your product. Each post, however, should relate to or help solve your audiences’ main problem.

Further, make your posts niche-specific so that your audience will know what your brand is about just by glancing at your page.

Additionally, make sure the posts are either yours or that you give proper credit to whoever originally shared it.

Post when your target audience is more active. To further get their attention, you can focus your ads and posts on specific target market and niches.

All of these ideas and tips will help you reach more of your Facebook audience.

How Often to Post

Don’t go crazy posting non-stop. Companies with fewer than 10,000 likes that post 60+ a month tend to receive 60% less engagement.

But do use a calendar to schedule your posts. And make sure to track their success regularly so that you’re not posting content that is never seen or clicked on.

Create Eye-Catching Images to Keep Visitors on Your Business Page

Why is creating an attention-grabbing Facebook business page important? Because posts with images and graphics get higher engagement rates than simple posts. And with better engagement comes increased sales.

So you need to do 2 things to make your page stand out:

  1. Create a colorful, branded Facebook business page header that includes your logo.
  2. Post regularly and include an interesting graphic for each post!

The good news is that you don’t need design skills to make stunning images. Create all of your own images for Facebook with The Graphics Creator software…

Download the FREE Graphics Creator software and free templates

Download free Graphics Creator for Windows
Download the free Graphics Creator for Mac

Prepare to Engage with Your Facebook Audience

Now that your Facebook business page looks remarkable, with a unique header and all of your important business details included, create a couple of attention-getting posts. Do this before inviting a huge audience so that you appear to have an active page.

Make sure that you’ve completed the 2-steps above with your free design software and make your posts inviting!

And don’t forget to ask for interaction with your posts. Do this with a question, survey, meaningful quote, or a link to your blog or other valuable product or service.

Now you’re ready to capture the attention of your audience and engage with them directly on your business page.

Be sure that you can reach out and respond to questions or comments as quickly as possible. The faster your response time, the better the feedback you’ll receive.

Engage with both negative and positive comments in a friendly and professional manner. Try being creative and witty with your responses, if appropriate.

Remember… whenever you are posting, don’t forget to add a call-to-action (CTA). In other words, tell them what to do next.

You can ask them to sign up for your free newsletter, service, or product. Or you can lead them directly to your sales page to book your services or buy your products.

Example of Laughingbird Software's Facebook Business Page post that got 19 engagements from visitors.
Nineteen people (out of 283 people) engaged with this post by clicking on it to read the article. That’s 19 more people taking a look at your article than before you posted!

Learn from Facebook’s “Page Insights”

Page Insights are a super valuable tool that Facebook gives you to help you maintain a successful business page.

Keeping an eye on your Insights will give you important information about your current followers and what posts they like and interact with. By finding out which posts get the most engagement, you can create more just like them.

Use the free Facebook business page insights to learn about your audience and which posts are successful
This image shows you an overview of your Insights as well as the information your visitors will see about your business. Just click on “See All” to get more details.

Besides looking at your page’s overall performance, you’ll also view specific information about your audiences’ demographics and engagement.

You can use this to tweak your future post’s settings, posting more at times when visitors are most likely to engage. And if you’re not sure who your target market is, analytics can help you narrow your group down.

Using Your Facebook Business Page to Sell Your product

Now you are ready to sell your product or service with your Facebook business page. Although this is just one marketing strategy, it can be a huge contributor to sales for those who take the time to do it right.

Plan on some trial and error during the initial stages of creating and marketing your page. And keep an eye on your page’s Insights, adjusting your details and strategy as needed.

Once you have your Facebook business page up and running, it’ll get the attention and engagement you need to improve sales of your product or service.

Grab the Free Graphics Creator software download here

How to Increase Blog Traffic with Pinterest

Every blogger needs to be using Pinterest to gain maximum traffic to their blog. Period. At a 2-million active monthly users, Pinterest may be way smaller than the social media giant, Facebook. But it has clearly become one of the most useful platforms for bloggers as well as small business. This is because using Pinterest can actually increase your blog’s traffic exponentially. To learn how to increase blog traffic using Pinterest, read on…

How does Pinterest increase blog traffic?

Pinterest has less competition as compared to Facebook. A pin’s half-life span is 1,600 times longer than that on Facebook. That means even if a pin or your post was first published months ago, it can still drive traffic to your site.

Pinterest analytics will help increase traffic by letting ou know which pins are actually being clicked on, saved or shared.
Check out the average number of viewers… over 600,000, with 21000+ clicking on or saving pins from Laughingbird Software each month!

Just imagine each pin you share still getting pinned five or six months later. As long as you’re sharing evergreen content, your pin can be re-shared all year long… and then some. That’s why creative entrepreneurs love using Pinterest. Traffic can be repeatedly obtained just through one pin! This is great news when we compare it to the short life of Tweets and even Facebook posts! And check out the stats: One out of two US millennials is now using Pinterest, of which 7 out of 10 are women. They use it more than Twitter and Snapchat. While there are clearly more women using Pinterest, more and more men are coming on board. In fact, 40% of new users are men. That means if your blog is targeting males, you have an increased chance of reaching them.

But what you really want to know is how to increase blog traffic with Pinterest?

Follow these steps to start driving traffic now:

-First, you must set up a Pinterest Business profile.

If you already have a Pinterest account, you can turn that into a Business profile. If not, you can “Join as Business” while setting up an account. This gives you the opportunity to verify your business and then get data analysis showing how Pinterest is bringing traffic to your site. This will help you determine which pins are working and which aren’t. You can then create a pinning strategy based on the gathered information.

-Next, optimize your profile and pins.

Pinterest works much like a search engine and you should, therefore, treat it as one. Create relevant keywords to use in your profile, such as in your bio, title, and perhaps even your username. Create each pin and then add keyword-rich descriptions and even hashtags. Most importantly, add a link to each pin. Your followers are expecting to be directed to your blog article or website once they click on the pin. Make sure your pins correctly link to the desired page. Otherwise, you won’t be getting any traffic directed to your blog! Create your pins, including video pins, with The Graphics Creator’s Pinterest templates:

-Then, further optimize your pins to drive the greatest traffic!

Rich pins have additional information visible on the pin itself. For example, when you click a pin of a food recipe, you might actually see the ingredients and instructions for making it. Often, the rich pin includes at least the name of your blog or website. Pinterest can show you exactly how to do this. Once you’ve connected the rich pins feature, the absolutely #1 most important thing to do next is to create beautiful, traffic-increasing pins that pinners will notice and want to click on. First, note that vertical pins tend to get more attention than rectangular images. That is likely because they take up more space on the feed than horizontal ones. They are also bigger and allow you to add more information on the pin. Apart from that, make sure your pins look visually great. The design and title of each pin should be created with your viewers in mind. It should contain information that you know your target audience will love. Keep it niche specific as well.

How to increase blog traffic with Pinterest.
Design beautiful pins to increase traffic to your blog!

Most influencers on Pinterest create their own pins. It’s affordable and fast using simple graphic design templates. Use a tool that already has Pinterest-sized pins and is easy to modify the text and image. The ideal size for a vertical pin is 600px wide x 900px high. There are lots of different designs you can use to help your pin get the attention, and the traffic, it deserves. Make sure your design looks clean and uncluttered. Use only one to three colors, as well as one to two fonts max. You’ll soon see that there are certain pins that’ll make it clear how to increase blog traffic with Pinterest, and others that simply don’t make the grade.

-Create boards and join others’ group boards.

Boards are a way for you to organize your pins. These will help you categorize the pins you own and the pins you save from the Pinterest site. You can also create a secret board where you can hoard your pins for later publishing. These secret boards can only be seen by you. Group boards, on the other hand, are very similar to your own. However, there are multiple pinners that contribute to the group. This is a great way for your own pins to reach other users from the same niche. When they repin your post, there are more chances that their followers will re-pin it as well.

Your Pinterest profile can include mutiple boards focusing on many different topics which will help grow your blog traffic.
Using multiple boards with different topics is one way how to increase blog traffic with Pinterest.

-Finally, in order to gain maximum traffic, consider using paid advertising through Pinterest.

By paying for a pin to get more reach, you’re bringing a bigger audience to your own Pinterest account and website. There can also be a snowball effect, where some pins get more reach, repins, and engagement than what you paid for. This is because re-pins will be broadcasted on an individual pinner’s account. Therefore, there’s an even great chance of other people seeing your pins. Unlike other social media platforms, engagement does not usually happen immediately on Pinterest. It gradually builds after 24 hours or more but may take weeks to ramp up. Don’t sweat it! Instead, use these steps to focus on how to increase blog traffic with Pinterest. Create something that people will gladly share and your traffic will increase! Find out how to make your own Pinterest pins daily using the Graphics Creator and Pinterest templates:

How to increase your blog traffic using Pinterest. Follow these Pinterest tips.
Share with other bloggers on Pinterest!

Create Background Designs with Layered Images

Learn how easy it is to create 3D background designs with layered images. Bet you didn’t think you could ever create amazing background designs on your own 15 years ago, especially using layered images? Now, with all the tools that help you edit and create images, you can do it… all by yourself. However, getting that 3D look that professional designers create is a little trickier… at least it used to be. Now there are tools that practically do it for you. Ready to find out how easy it is to create eye-catching graphics using layered images? Don’t worry! You don’t need any graphic design experience. And you don’t need to learn complicated design software like Photoshop.

First off, watch this quick video on using The Graphics Creator and layered backgrounds:

What you can make with layered backgrounds:

Facebook headers, eCovers, images with quotes or tips, memes, and social media posts. They’re also great for business and school presentations, mockups, green screen backgrounds, and other creative projects. Here’s what’s really cool… you can create images that look like they were made by a graphic designer. But, they were actually made by you in just minutes.

What you need to know about using layered background designs:

Using layers in your background designs gives your image depth and texture. This is what makes it look professionally designed and, frankly, super cool. A layered image looks three-dimensional, which gives the illusion that it’s a real picture or place. And stimulating images draw the viewer in, just like any great artwork. Just keep a couple of things in mind when using layers in your designs: 1. Don’t overuse them! It’s a lot of fun to keep adding and moving layers because you can get such a different look. So, if you like what you see… Stop. If you need to come back to the image later to review it, that’s always okay. 2. Do try using photos behind the layers… any photo you include will set the tone of the image. You can search for photos from within The Graphics Creator! So what you choose could really draw in a particular audience. For example, if you use a “space” image, the overall feel of your creation might be one of fantasy, science-fiction, or actually non-fiction and scientific.

Create professional-looking background designs with layered images using the Scenery Creator templates and a photograph
Layered images using a photo in the background design.

3. Do have fun with colors. Everything doesn’t have to look just like it would in real life. Try a bright orange sky behind a desert scene or a dark sky behind beautiful green palms.

How to use lots of color in your background designs when using layered images.
Don’t be afraid to use lots of color in your layered designs
4. Do design your background image with your audience in mind. If you get carried away with adding layers just because they look awesome, you could end up with something that doesn’t appeal to your viewers. 5. Do have a lot of fun! Get creative, even if you think you’re not. When you try using the scenery templates I’ve been using, you’ll find your creative side… promise 🙂

Why professional-looking images are super important:

If you have an online business, you need attention-grabbing graphics for your website, blog, and marketing. Readers are more likely to finish reading your content if it’s broken up with interesting visuals. Not only do visuals help organize your material, but images also make it easier to follow and understand your content. Further, we remember what we see much better than what we hear. According to, you’ll remember 65% of what you read if images are included, but only 10% if you just read the text. However, if you throw in images that are irrelevant to your content or are of poor quality, your visitors probably won’t read your content at all. This means that poor quality images can actually be harmful. So, it’s important that you not only use lots of images but that they’re professional-looking. Unfortunately, high-quality images created by a graphic designer can get super expensive, especially since you need at least a few images for each piece of content.

What’s your best option?

Do it yourself. That’s right… create your own graphics using what you’ve learned above about using background designs with layered images. The Scenery Creator background designs let you create what you need, when you need it, at a low cost. Get started now. Use the Scenery Creator background design templates to make all of the cool layered designs you’ve seen in this article 🙂

Want to start making your own graphics for your website and marketing? It’s easy… even if you don’t have any graphic design experience.

Check out Laughingbird Software!

Learn how to create layered graphics for background designs. Easily make your own professional-looking <a href=
graphics for any business or creative project.” width=”684″ height=”1024″> Share this article on Pinterest!

9 Marketing Automation Tools for Small Business

Is marketing your small business keeping you from other important tasks?

Finding great tools that can automate your marketing and free up time for production, customer service, finances and more can make entrepreneurs’ lives much easier!

The key for small businesses is to use the best marketing automation tools out there.

These 9 tools can help you automate multiple areas of your business, saving you a ton of time and helping you to focus on increasing your sales.


HubSpot is basically an “all-in-one” tool and describes itself as “inbound marketing software”. It’s a robust sales and marketing solution, Not only is it a great resource for small business owners, it uses real-time marketing data to help you generate leads and sales.

HubSpot does a little of everything, just not as in-depth in any one area. So, if you’re looking for convenience, this may be the tool for you. You’ll get the basic functionality of multiple marketing systems. You just may not be able to go as in-depth with, for example, email marketing list segmentation, as some other automation tools.


One platform to automate all your integrations With Pabbly Connect, you can create automated workflows and transfer the data between your favorite apps and services without any manual efforts.

Pabbly integrates with 600+ Applications!
Pabbly Connect supports all the popular apps for CRM, Marketing, E-Commerce, Helpdesk, Payments, Web forms, Collaboration and much more…

It’s very impressive.
See more about them here:


Adplorer is an all-in-one local marketing software for digital marketing. This automation software will help you manage your local marketing campaigns more successfully, organize your processes and automate virtually all aspects of your work.

The technology from Adplorer enables you to scale marketing campaigns across thousands of Small and Medium Businesses. You can use Adplorer to automate the creation and management of your campaigns on Google, Bing, and Facebook, as well as manage Social Media platforms and Reporting all in one platform.


Focused primarily on email marketing and list segmentation, is one of the most important automation tools on this list. One reason… you MUST have a way to automatically follow-up with your audience!

What if you collect an email but this person doesn’t purchase? You’ll want to “segment” this person to a list that’s different from someone who did make a purchase. You’ll want to say something different to each of them, right? And, with Drip’s “intelligent” workflows, you’ll get to know your customers better, leading to more sales! uses Drip because of this amazing flexibility and customizability. You’ll easily learn about your subscribers and website visitors by applying custom tags, fields, or “events” to your customers… and Drip is fantastic at helping you understand it all!

Finally, you can use Drip with many of the different hosting and web technologies you already use. Best of all, you can start using Drip for free!


Hootsuite has been a top social media marketing automation tool for many years. You can enhance and automate your social media content across more than 35 global networks such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Hootsuite is perfect for individuals who want to manage multiple social networks, schedule content, and automatically engage with their audience when and where you want.

With their free plan, you can manage up to 3 social media profiles (with only one password) and use basic analytics to track the growth of your followers. Additionally, you’ll get to schedule up to 30 messages, integrate apps you already rely on and have 2 RSS feeds (which find and share content for you).

Hootsuite identifies social influencers in your market and automates social marketing strategies. You can sign your business up for Hootsuite’s free plan which supports up to three social profiles and two campaigns for single users.


Spokal says it will “double your social media traffic with a sharing tool that learns”. Best used for automating social media and blog content, it can save you a ton of time. You can actually search for and drag images directly into your blog posts (and images are royalty-free, even if you are a small business)!

And you can share your content fast! It certainly helps that Spokal generates “tags” to your content automatically! This tool also automates OpenGraph and Twitter tags from your own social sharing.

This software also has a built-in image editing tool, on-page SEO advice, editorial calendar, SEO and keyword tools, and even allows you to use external contributors. Plus, in their analytics functions, they’ll calculate your return-on-investment as well as track your Google rankings and your blog’s performance results.

Finally, if your small business uses WordPress, then Spokal’s automatic marketing platform might be right for you.

Try it free for 14 days!


There’s a good reason this marketing tool uses the term “autopilot“. It offers a wide range of digital services for small business owners including a Help Desk module that will automate your customer support! You’ll get support ticket tracking and customer feedback.

It offers several modes of marketing communication, such as email marketing, as well as captures leads from multiple websites. Besides taking care of invoicing and payment, you can look at sales data, job completion times against budgeted hours, past-due invoices and more.

Once set up, you can get rid of the manual work that typically comes along with the communications side of your business! Further, SaleAutoPilot can be integrated with Zapier (next!).


Zapier’s focus is on small business services and creates automated workflows known as “zaps”. Basically, it’s a tool that helps any entrepreneur connect apps and the services they use, allowing automated functions.

The automations are like commands having an if/then format. For example: “If I write a new blog post on WordPress, save a copy of that file to Dropbox.” The amazing thing about these automations, or zaps, is that no coding experience is required to create them.

Zaps are now possible between three or more apps and services. Although Zapier’s free account is limited in functionality, you’ll get a feel for how it works. Further, Zapier’s automations support several business apps and are easy to use. This makes it one of the most useful marketing automation tools for online entrepreneurs.

Small businesses can save a ton of time using any of these online marketing automation tools. And because you can’t successfully market without images and graphics, check out our bonus tool to make life a little easier:

graphic Creator Software Image

The Graphics Creator

eBook Covers • Logos • Business Cards • Graphics for your YouTube Channel (sized perfectly) • Mascots for your brand • Coupons & Certificates • Graphics with Motion Backgrounds and so much more!

This will help you automate your blog posts, Facebook ads, and even your YouTube channel if you have one.

The Graphics Creator In The Cloud
Just log-in online and quickly modify a graphic. You have to see it to believe it, but with 1,200+ unique template variations, you’ll find what you’re looking for right away. Then use the graphics in your social media and marketing for attention-getting automation!

Whether you need a character mascot or a logo design, The Graphics Creator provides easy tools and templates so that your small business (or even big business) will be able to reap the rewards of beautifully designed images.

Use the Graphics Creator now!

This article contains an affiliate link for “Drip”, the email automation system we use and love (and believe me, we’ve tried many!). If you decide to make a purchase after clicking on it, we may receive some compensation 🙂

How To Create a Meme With The Creator7

Did you know that almost 10,000 people search for a way to create their own “meme” each month? 🙂

Hi everybody! I’m back with a brand spankin’ new Tutorial Tuesday video! In today’s tutorial, you’ll learn how to use The Logo Creator as a ‘meme’ making tool.

A meme is simply a photo with some text over it. Usually this text is a nice quote or a funny caption. This tutorial will show you a great way to get FREE images and find some great quotes to go with the images for you to sell or give away as incentives on your website… it’s all really easy!

In this video, I show you a few graphic design resources.

One of them is a website called “Morgue Files”:

The other item I mention is the Keyword Planner tool from Google.(It’s a great way to see how many people are searching for a specific keyword):