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5 Ways to Use 3d Book Covers & Mockups

Feeling frustrated that you work so dang hard on a product and marketing… yet, you can’t seem to make enough online sales? But, you know you have a quality product and a fantastic offer.

Well, here are 5 ways 3d book covers and mockup designs can help you sell more…

Use these 5 quick and easy ways of increasing your sales with 3d book covers and mockups.

1. 3d Book Cover

A 3d book cover design will make even your 15-page ebook look important and professional. If you simply add a link to your ebook and a couple of words describing it, chances are it won’t even get noticed enough to get many clicks.

However, if you offer a virtual cover graphic instead, your product will quickly catch the eye of your web site visitors.

Create your own book cover for your business

2. Box Shot of Your Product

create your own product box cover

Having a virtual product has a lot of benefits when it comes to making online sales (for starters… you’re not losing money shipping out a physical product!)

However, if you’re selling a downloadable product, like software or an ebook, you can’t just take a photo to show your audience what they’re getting.

This is where a 3d box shot comes in. You can actually make it look like there’s a product inside the virtual box. Using an attention-grabbing title and cover design, your customers will know they’re getting a professional product, as well as a high-quality one.

3. Book Cover for Your Free or Paid Course Content

Course creators: Don’t underestimate the value of a beautiful course presentation. A 3d book cover can work just as well for a course! Create a cover that shows your audience the value they’ll be getting inside your course.

You can create a box shot or an ebook cover for this.

4. Presentation for Lead Magnets or Freebies

As an online marketer, you almost surely have a “freebie” or two to offer prospective customers. Giving away lots of value for free will earn trust and confidence in any other products you offer.

But did you notice the word “value”? Giving away a checklist, ebook, mini-course, or tips in your niche isn’t as easy as it sounds… people are skeptical about giving up their email address if they’re not sure they’re getting a valuable offer.

So, using an eCover for your free offer can help move them past their skepticism and onto your email list. A nice product presentation is the first step to gaining trust and showing value.

5. Mockup Design for Advertising

beautiful graphic mockup on an easel

Here’s the great thing about mockups… you can use all of your 3d box shots, book covers, and graphics to really draw in a customer.

Put your cover design in a frame, on a billboard, on a nice table, or even on the side of the car (seriously). Take a look at some of the options…

Okay, you’re ready to get started using 3d book covers, box shots, or mockups for your product presentations and advertisements.

You’ll get more clicks and sales on a virtual product that looks professional and high-quality… so what are you waiting for?

It’s really, truly not hard…

The eCover and Mockup Creator gives you templates to start with and videos showing you how to create a book cover or box shot in just a few minutes. Then, it only takes a few more clicks to use your cover design in a mockup

Watch the video above to see how it’s done!

With The Ebook Cover and Mockup Creator Templates, you can create gorgeous 3D eBook Covers in minutes.
Availability: In stock

Creating a Chatbot When you’re handling your own online business, talking to your customers is often your biggest priority. While this is a bit easier when you’re starting out, once you get 30 or more messages a day, it can get a bit complicated. Here’s where chatbots come in! Consider this…Why do hotels have front-desk officers? They’re the first to make contact with customers. They address concerns before seeking to ‘speak to the manager’. You can do the same thing by hiring customer service representatives. Of course, it can be costly in the long run. So when the idea of an automated system able to handle customer concerns first came out, business and brand owners got excited! The thought of having a “bot” to handle your front desk eliminates a lot of the issues.

What exactly is a Chatbot?

Simply put, a chatbot is A.I. (artificial intelligence) code that “chats” with your customer either through social media channels or other 3rd party channels. The bot can gather information and use said information to sort out concerns and provide preliminary support. The idea is that if a bot can actually answer the questions a customer has, they won’t need to talk to a real person. Exciting as it sounds, chatbot technology can still be considered early in its development stage. But we all know Alexa now… so the tech is improving! Every month, new chatbot technology is being introduced and all of them seem revolutionary.

What You Need To Know About Chatbots

Chatbots are actually a step back in terms of technology. Unlike modern apps, chatbots are quite simple and don’t have any GUI (graphical user interface) experience to speak of. The logic behind chatbots work this way: 1. Chatbot asks for input 2. User inputs issue/concern 3. Chatbot tries to narrow down the issue. 4. Chatbot offers answers based on an issue or concern raised. The simplicity of how it all works is the main reason why it can be used by just about anybody for any setting.

Chatbots can be used to gather information

If you have a business that revolves around gathering information about your customers (with their consent, of course), a chatbot is a perfect way to gather said info. No need to hire one person to do it for you. A chatbot can gather all pertinent information about the customer and it can collate the data for you for future use.

Chatbots can set appointments

With a little bit of tweaking and some customization, a chatbot can handle your appointment setting for you. When paired with an appointment setting services, a chatbot can help your customer set a preferred date for a service or meeting.

Chatbots can showcase your products

While you can just upload photos of your catalog on social media for everybody to see, a chatbot can help out a customer who might get confused while browsing. You can set your chatbot to showcase a gallery of all your products under a specific category. You can even include details about each product and the price. Customers will feel like they are talking to a salesperson who is eager to help point them in the right direction.

Chatbots can help you sell

Are you selling something? A chatbot can make it easier for you to sell your products with minimal intervention. With various customizations available, you can have people checking your products and buying them right within the chat. You can send a blast message to all your followers who opted-in about new promotions or special prices.

Chatbots can be added to your funnel

If you already have a marketing funnel in place, you can add a chatbot into the mix to get even more customers from social media. Depending on the funnel you have, you can set the chatbot to convince your customer to make the next logical move down your sales funnel by providing them with solutions and relevant information about your product or service.

Chatbots can help keep your customer happy

Chatbots aren’t all about making a sale or showing your product. A lot of chatbots out there also have the added benefit of being fun. For example, you can give your chatbot a specific voice or character. You can make your chatbot male or female. You can even make your chatbot tell random jokes every now and then. The possibilities are endless.

There’s a lot of information out there about chatbots and a number of platforms that can help you create your first chatbot within minutes. I dare you to explore and discover other things you can do with chatbots. What other things do you think chatbots can do in the near future?

Now, go out and build your own chatbot!

(it’s easier than you think)

One way to stay competitive in modern business is to automate as many of your processes as possible. Evidence of this is seen in the rise of self-checkout at grocery stores and ordering kiosks at restaurants. Click here and start creating your own chatbot today! You can also learn a ton over at… it’s a full (and totally free) resource to get you up to speed on what a chatbot is and how to create one.

Full Disclosure: We’re working on our own chatbot using Collect. Chat for our own business here at Laughingbird Software – the links above ARE affiliate links and we do get a small commission if you decide to buy. But we wouldn’t recommend this product if we didn’t use it ourselves.

How to Create Your Own Custom eBook

If you’ve been marketing online for more than 5 minutes, you know that lead magnets, eBooks and reports are powerful ways to build your list or sell directly for profit. But you also know they’re a serious headache to create too.

Finally, there’s a NEW way of creating beautiful eBooks…

Watch the video above and get some great ideas on how to easily create your own eBook or Newsletter content

Click Here and start creating your own eBook with SQRIBBLE

(not just the COVERS for your eBooks and Newsletters… but the full on eBOOK!)

If you’ve been marketing online for more than 5 minutes, you know that lead magnets, eBooks and reports are powerful ways to build your list or sell directly for profit. But you also know they’re a serious headache to create too.

All that writing, designing, and formatting… UGGHH. Enough already!

Creating the content for my own eBook was easy (watch the video above to see how I did it) … but when I tried to figure out how to format, and make my book LOOK good, it really wasn’t as easy as I had hoped it would be. I did it, but it took way longer than I wanted it to!

That’s why a new product recently caught my attention — it’s called Sqribble and it’s an online tool that instantly creates professional eBooks, reports, whitepapers and other types of digital books with a few clicks or taps.

This concept isn’t new. There have been a lot of different eBook creator tools in the past. But if you’ve used most of them, you’ll know they all share the same frustrating flaws:

— They have crappy templates.

— They are buggy and unreliable.

— They often require additional tools

What is Sqribble?

Sqribble is different. It’s packed with professional templates and seriously good looking covers. In fact, the whole process of creating an eBook with Sqribble is satisfyingly easy and smooth.

Heck, it’s FUN.

But perhaps most remarkable of all… Sqribble comes loaded with some of the most powerful features I’ve seen in an eBook creator tool.

Here are just some of the things it can do:

— Automatic table of contents

— Automatic headers and footers

— Automatic pagination

— Drag and drop design

— Add or delete pages

— Add your own media

— 300+ Google Fonts

— 50 eBook templates (in 15 different niche categories)

— 10 different eBook themes

— Automatically create content (woah.)

— Turn your book into a flipbook (double woah.)

Seriously, if that’s not enough to make you want to check this thing out, I don’t know what else to say. Apart from this — Sqribble isn’t perfect. Yes, it’s powerful. Yes, it’s going to save you tons of time and money creating eBooks. But…

What I don’t like about Sqribble

The upsells. There’s 4 of them! It’s kind of annoying because they’ve saved some of the best features for them. So, you’ll have to spend some time figuring out if you need them.

Well, Sqribble is a great product without the upsells… BUT if you want greater power, you might want to grab them all.

Here’s a rundown of the upsells:

Upsell 1 — Sqribble professional.

Unlock 150 more professional eBook templates (the best ones are in the professional version), graphics and even more ready-made content for all kinds of niches (just so you know, single templates from stock websites would cost you up to $450… for just ONE template!). Great for those that want more variety & content as well as heavy users.

Upsell 2 — Sqribble Prime.

Get 15 premium, “limited edition” new eBook templates added to your Sqribble dashboard every month. This will increase your library over time, and make you stand out from other users. It works out to less than two bucks for a template (much cheaper than stock sites)! Great for moderate to heavy users.

Upsell 3 — Sqribble Fantasia 3D.

This includes 2-in-1 features.

1.) Unlocks a 3D cover creation tool inside your dashboard, allowing you to turn “flat” covers into lifelike, 3d covers. Great for getting more attention and making your books look and feel more “real.” People do judge a book by its cover, after all.

2.) Create “Flipbooks” that turn your eBooks into interactive and animated pages. They can be linked to from anywhere online, as well as embedded on web pages with a single piece of code. This is really cool.

OPTION to this upsell: Get a ton of eCovers and Mockup graphics, as well as other easy-to-use graphic design templates in The Graphics Creator.

Upsell 4 — Auto Job finder software.

If you’re going to be using Sqribble to create eBooks as a service to get paid, then Auto Job Finder is something that you need. It will automatically find you related jobs across various freelance websites and notify you so that you can fulfill them. A huge time saver and money earner.

What I love about Sqribble

Without a doubt, it’s the pro designs, the simplicity and the speed at which you can create seriously awesome eBooks, on the fly.

And the fact you can turn your eBook into a flipbook is just icing on the cake. It just makes your books look and feel more “real” and that’s a good thing for engaging your readers.

The amount of customization is just off the charts too. You can tweak your designs, layouts, and everything in-between to your heart’s desire. It even creates a table of contents for you and inserts all your content into a nice layout. Additionally, you can play around with the formatting and design, add stuff, delete stuff… it’s only limited by your imagination.

But if the idea of too many options scares you… don’t worry. Sqribble is designed to keep things simple. You can just go with the ready-made templates, layouts and styles, insert your content automatically, and boom… you’ve got a pro eBook that’s going to grab more attention, build trust, engage your readers, and help you stand out in a sea of competition.

About the creator

Sqribble has been developed by Adeel Chowdhry, who is a well-known internet entrepreneur and best seller, with over ten years of experience and has previously created worldwide hits such as Pixel Studio FX which sold tens of thousands of units all around the world. He’s known for creating high-quality professional solutions and I expect no less from Sqribble.

Final thoughts

The standard has risen online. These days, your eBook can’t look like crap, or people just won’t want to optin, buy or read it. And because people are busier than ever, they will only spend a couple of seconds deciding whether your book is worth reading or not.

With Sqribble, you can instantly create books that scream trust, credibility and value, and attract more subscribers and sales.

Creating eBooks has always been a pain for most marketers, but with Sqribble, it really doesn’t have to be. With a few clicks, you can choose a template, add content, tweak the layout and then publish online… in just minutes from now.

Instead of spending hundreds — or even thousands — on freelancers, or even more money on fancy software, I would seriously recommend giving Sqribble a test drive first. I think you’ll be amazed how powerful, easy and quick the whole experience is.

Click here to check out Sqribble now

Graphic Design Resources for Beginning Designers

Whether you’re a budding designer, an online marketer, or a small business creating your own graphics, you need attention-grabbing images to make an impact.

As a beginning designer or DIY creator, you can make stunning graphics with a toolkit of the best images, photos, fonts, templates, and simple software. You don’t need Photoshop or advanced design software to get started.

So, I’ve compiled the best free or inexpensive design products to help you create graphics fast that’ll sell your product and make an impact on your viewers.

New designers, small business owners, and creatives… keep reading to discover the best graphic design resources.

Create the graphics you need any time, from anywhere, just by logging in!

The Online Graphics Creator

As a beginning graphic designer, you’ll need a tool that lets you start with easily modifiable templates that have already been professionally designed.

Not only will you be given an idea on how to start your design, but you’ll be able to make quick edits as well.

The Graphics Creator Software is really a must-have for beginners, even if you’re attempting to learn challenging products like Photoshop or Illustrator.

You can actually create designs just like you would in Photoshop– but much more easily.

You can use special features like shadows, outlines, and rotations with a click of your mouse. Not to mention that there are over one thousand templates… and more templates are always being added for free!

You can also search hundreds of unique fonts for use, right inside the program. And there are thousands of free stock photos that you can use personally or commercially (as always, read the license).

And, unlike other design software, you can create video motion graphics and animated gifs within a few minutes!

Other amazing editing features include an opacity tool, really cool color picker, and the ability to import your own videos and images.

This gives you the freedom to be as creative as you want, opening the door for you to become a more experienced designer as well!

Discover all of the best things about the Online Graphics Creator.

Graphic Design Resource: Fonts

PLUS, you can use all of the other graphic design resources mentioned below along with it. And… you can log-in from any computer, anywhere… it’s cloud-based!

Don’t want to log onto the internet to create graphics? Then here’s the downloadable software option to The Online Graphics Creator…

The Graphics Creator-Downloadable

Create graphics with The Graphics Creator

If you want an easy template-based design product that you can download and use immediately, the downloadable Graphics Creator is for you.

Like The Online Graphics Creator, you can instantly create designs for business, like logos, social media images, and marketing ads.

Or make creative designs for education and personal use.

And, it has all of the same features, including the ability to create motion graphics and animated gifs.

The only major difference is that it’s downloadable and you can purchase individual template sets to go with the software.

Creative Market

Creative Market is one of the most comprehensive resources out there. It’s a place where individual designers and artists share their own images, backgrounds, fonts, and photos for other designers to use.

Small companies often go to Creative Market for anything they can use to make their projects easier. They use it for projects such as social media posts to even big billboards and marketing campaigns.

You’ll have to buy the designs/fonts you want. But freebies are offered once a week as well. They often have bundles that you can get for a discount. This is a great opportunity for designers to stock up.

Here’s what else is cool? You can use the graphics you download from Creative Market in JPG and PNG formats in the Web Graphics Creator!

Get additional textures, icons, really unique fonts, and more. You can even get web design templates and elements. The graphics can be further modified in Photoshop or Illustrator. Always check Creative Market’s licensing requirements before using.


Unsplash is an amazing place to get high-quality photos for your design. All images are for free and you can choose from thousands.

These images can also be imported into any other graphics software as well.

The images you download can be used for commercial and non-commercial purposes, so they’re perfect for use in business marketing campaigns. While these are all free, it’s left up to you to give some credit to the original photographer.

Even though it’s not mandatory, giving the photographers a shout-out or credit helps them to continue submitting more free photos for your use.

Use the image editor to select photos for your designs

Font Squirrel

Graphic designers will definitely be interested in this graphic design resource. Fonts are a great investment for anyone creating their own designs. But, really, who can say no to free fonts? In Font Squirrel, you have a choice between San Serif, Serif, Script, and other types of fonts – all for free! You can also use these fonts for commercial purposes.

You can use these fonts on your computer or on various editing tools. However, certain types won’t work on Windows, Linux, or on Mac. You can try installing a font and see if it works. If not, you still have tons of free fonts to choose from.

But why stock up on fonts? The typeface you use can drastically change how your message appears. In the Web Graphics Creator, you’ve already got over 800 fonts to play with… but it never hurts to have more!


Deal Jumbo offers bundles of fonts, images, graphics, and mock-ups. The price range of the products on this site is what makes it a great go-to graphic design resource.

The price varies for every product or bundle. However, there are lots of fonts and graphics that can be bought for under $10. You can also find freebies and free bundles. The offers change often, so make sure to check the freebies section weekly.

You can also get exclusive freebies or discount if you sign up on their mailing list.

Want to sell your graphic designs?! Create them with the number one do-it-yourself graphic design resource.

By utilizing a variety of graphic design resources, some of them for free, you can create unique designs without spending lots of time or money.

Although these resources are suggested for newbie designers, they are also used by more experienced design professionals. Creating designs from scratch is a hefty load to carry, even for experienced graphic designers.

So, whether you’re a small business owner, a beginning designer, or a more experienced designer, these tools will make your life much easier and more productive!

Easily create amazing graphic designs by importing and modifying the many resources you’ve discovered from above into the Online Graphics Creator.

Disclosure: We may occasionally be an affiliate or brand partner for some of the tools or services mentioned in this blog. This means that, if you happen to purchase anything from links you click on in this article or in any of our blog articles, we may receive a commission, at no cost to you. Because we want you to have access to awesome stuff, we’ll only suggest tools that’ll help you grow your business and make your day easier!

Designing for Social Media- Web Graphics Creator

Professional-looking designs are essential for success on any social media platform.
Meaningful graphics will not only attract an audience, but they’ll also keep your audience engaged.

Find out what content to post and how to design for social media.

Designing for Social Media

Just follow these five simple steps to create your social media designs…

#1 Plan ahead:

Keep in mind that social media design should be well-planned in advance. Your intent should be to capture the attention of your target audience and then provide tremendous value.

Therefore, a design should be sharp and visually interesting as well as add meaning to your post’s topic.

Let’s face it. Getting your customers to read your entire post is a challenge… many other posts are competing for the attention!

However, by including an image that summarizes your topic, or provides a look into the value you offer, your followers will be more likely to continue reading.

With amazing graphics, your product or service will easily compete with other social media posts.

#2 Find out what size your design should be:

Each social media platform allows different post sizes. Find out what size your graphic or image should be for each platform BEFORE you’re ready to post. There’s nothing more frustrating than having to re-do a graphic because it was the wrong size.

So, stay up-to-date on the image sizes you need for each platform.

You may need to use a variety of sizes for the same design. Or, you may wish to design totally different images, based upon what visual content works best for each social media platform.

With the Web Graphics Creator, you can use the same design in different sizes, saving each one of them for future use.

#3 Choose which type of image you’d like to share:

If you’re on several different social platforms, you’ll probably use a variety of image types. You can design or mock-up all of these images in the Web Graphics Creator. You just need to decide which visual design works best for you: Screenshots – Simple screenshots of your website or product are a powerful way to share information about your company. If you don’t feel comfortable enough to share these images, it’s time for a new web design or re-organization of information on your site. Action Shots – Use photos or graphics to show your product or service in action. How does it work? How will it be helpful to your audience? Can you make it look exciting or show how it’ll solve your audience’s biggest problem (great idea for Facebook posts and paid ads)? Behind-the-scenes photos – Here’s an opportunity to give your followers a glimpse of who you are, as well as your brand. This helps your audience feel that they know you… and therefore trust you. You can show pictures of how you create your products, what your employees do on their break, or a personal look at what you do in your spare time (a glimpse “behind-the-scenes” is an all-time favorite type of post on Instagram). Quotes – Motivational quotes make a great social media post because they’re quick, encouraging, and hopefully, beautiful to look at. A quote can get your audience’s attention not only because of the encouraging or humorous message, but because it’s pleasing or fun to look at. Therefore, using a sharp graphic along with a complimentary font is necessary for a successful social media post (quotes are used in just about every social media post out there). Infographic – Everyone loves to learn something new. But that doesn’t mean they’ll read an entire article! That’s where infographics come in. Just the right amount of information, along with a pleasing visual design, will make your infographic shareable (Pinterest infographics are quickly re-shared). Motion graphics Think you can’t create an awesome motion video design for social media?! The Web Graphics Creator gives you video templates and animated gifs that you can easily export. You can even import other videos into the software (video works great on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter). Good news: Each social media image type can be easily created with the Web Graphics Creator. Just use the already sized, pre-designed templates. And don’t forget to include your logo design and/or website address on every image!

#4 Create your image:

Okay. So, you need to create professional-looking social media graphics… but you’re not a designer, right? That’s okay. You can and design for social media in minutes. Here’s how to start: Log into your account, & select a “social media” template. You’ll likely find the size & design you need immediately. If you’d rather use one of the other 900+ templates that are sized for blogs, ads, banners, etc…, just type in the canvas size you’d like to use first. Use the File menu to “Save” your design.

#5 Use your new design for multiple social platforms:

Now that you have a completed design for one platform, you may want to modify it slightly for another platform.

In the Web Graphics Creator, select File > Save As and enter a name for your new template and a “set” location (like “Lisa’s social media templates”).

You’ll see the name of the template change on top of the screen. Now you can modify it as you’d like and simply “Save” when you’re done. Here’s an example of a Facebook graphic modified into a Pinterest image:

Here’s some more good news…

You can design social media graphics every day, easily, and save a ton of money. Create a design you want, when you need it… no waiting around for an image that you hope you’ll like. And there’s no need to spend a lot of money!

Check out all of the helpful features The Web Graphics Creator has to offer. These include royalty-free stock photos, over 1000 fonts, motion graphics, and much more.

You can do this even if you’re not a designer… plus, you’ll have complete control over your visual content and save money.