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How to Advertise Your Business on a T-Shirt

Want a simple and fun way to advertise your company? Have you ever thought about designing t-shirts with your company logo or motto? And did you know that you can actually inspire conversations about your product or service, as well as visually connect with your customers?

Why You Should Promote Your Business on a T-Shirt

If you want to grow your business, bringing awareness to it is ridiculously important. Having a business t-shirt design will act as a billboard… and even better, one that goes places!

And, by getting your t-shirts in the hands of your customers, employees, or fellow conference-goers, you’ll finally be seen and remembered (so you need the perfect design). You can even encourage others to wear your t-shirts in pictures posted on social networking sites.

Take Your Time Designing a Business Shirt

First, take the time to decide what’s right for your business. You might look up funny or inspirational quotes in your niche. And always consider using your logo, brand image, or product as a design on your shirt. Or maybe you can even match your business idea with a recent trend that’ll make your shirt really stand out!

No matter what you decide to do, make sure your design makes it absolutely clear who you are and gives them the motivation to go look you up online.

How to Design a Company T-Shirt

Keep these tips in mind:

  • Don’t just imagine the design on a T-shirt: Make a mockup of the design on a t-shirt model to see what it really looks like
  • The most popular designs are simple (however, you still need to pay attention to details)
  • Consider your market: Who is the exact person you want to attract to your T-shirt design: What are they like (male/female, age, income, ); what other brands do they like, and where would they wear your t-shirt… sorry, wearing it to bed just doesn’t count.
  • If you’re using humor, keep it subtle… what’s funny to one can be offensive to another
  • Choose the right colors: Consider using your brand colors and/or complementary colors
  • Prepare your design properly (watch the video to see how easily you can create the perfect design with The Graphics Creator)
  • Find a good printer: We use VistaPrint and count on them to have a quality T-shirt product.

Make Your T-Shirt Advertising Effective

Finally, think about how you’re going to share your shirt. Now that you’ve spent the time and money to create a shirt, you want your advertising to increase your brand recognition and sales.

A t-shirt can be a very effective marketing tool because:

  1. It’s a billboard, or “walking advertisement”… and it can go everywhere and anywhere!
  2. You can actually use them as decorations: Hang them on chairs, walls and car windows!
  3. They’re big-time conversation starters: What does that logo mean? Do you work for that company? That’s really cool… where do I get one? How do I become part of the team?
  4. It shows your brand and increases recognition!

Now, get that t-shirt out there! Consider your business goals… then decide:

Will you have a free give-away, hand them out at events, sell them at wholesale price (to get as many out there in the world as you can), let customers qualify by meeting certain criteria, or have a contest?

Get creative!

How to Grow Your Business with YouTube Graphics

One of the best ways to grow your business is by sharing videos on your own YouTube channel.

Why Should My Business Be On YouTube?

People watch a BILLION minutes of video on a daily basis and YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine after Google. This suggests that many people prefer to search for help that they can “watch”, rather than read.

That’s why you need to have your own YouTube Channel, and why we think this is one of the most useful Creatorpreneur techniques, so keep reading.

How to Use YouTube to Market Your Business

FIRST, if you don’t already have a YouTube account, it’s super easy to set one up. It’ll take you 2 minutes tops.

Go here:

How Do I Create a Video on YouTube?

Once you DO have a YouTube channel, it’s time to start posting videos.

Need some ideas on creating a video? Or don’t want to put yourself in front of the camera? No worries.

Don’t make this harder than it is. You don’t have to learn a professional tool or spend a ton of money.

Here Are Some Tools You Can Use to Make a YouTube Video Easily:

  • Powtoons– Truly a favorite of ours and we’ve been using it for years, often to create explainer videos that tell customers about our products. Perfect if you don’t want to be on camera! This is our affiliate link and we may be compensated if you make a purchase 🙂
  • Camtasia
  • Animoto
  • Reevio

Now, keep in mind that YouTube thumbnails are the first thing viewers see when browsing YouTube. And, people make their decision whether or not to watch a video according to what they see on the thumbnail (and, yes, you need a stand-out title as well).

In fact, YouTube says that “90% of the best-performing videos” have custom thumbnails! You can’t argue with that!

How to Brand Your YouTube Channel

Now, keep in mind that YouTube thumbnails are the first thing viewers see when browsing YouTube. And, people make their decision whether or not to watch a video according to what they see on the thumbnail (and, yes, you need a stand-out title as well).

In fact, YouTube says that “90% of the best-performing videos” have custom thumbnails! You can’t argue with that!

So, watch this video to learn how to brand your YouTube Channel and create your own custom thumbnails that people will click on. You’ll get more visitors to your website or blog and therefore get your products or services in front of tons more people.

Graphics Creator Software: New Software Download for Mac and Windows

Yes, there’s a new graphics software download for Mac and Windows: The Graphics Creator software (formerly known as The Logo Creator to some).

This completely new version 8 has new features, new graphics, and new templates!

We’ve spent endless hours in the last year researching and creating a design tool that is not only downloadable but that gives you the added features and graphics you’ve been so desperately wanting 🙂

Create all of the graphics you need, including motion graphics… all by yourself.

Additionally, use the new (and free!) searchable stock photos and videos feature.

You don’t need Photoshop or any design experience!

Chris Mollo, long-time customer and Affiliate Marketer, agrees:

“Throughout the almost 10 years I’ve been doing this [affiliate marketing], I’ve come across a handful of “cant live without” software. The Creator is definitely one of those. I’ve been on board since the very first Logo Creator was released, and I’ve been a rabid fan ever since. People can’t believe it when I tell them I didn’t use Photoshop or Gimp to create some of the images I make.”

Watch the video to see more of The Graphics Creator’s amazing features and graphics:–GY

This brand NEW, downloadable design tool has the graphics you’ve loved and used for many years and huge new features (save animated gifs, create video motion graphics, and easily select from beautiful new fonts and images).

Look at what you get in The Graphics Creator version 8:
  • Animated gifs
  • Motion graphics
  • Beautiful new fonts
  • Searchable stock photos (free!)
  • Brand new templates
  • Subscription-free access (one-time price)
  • Easier text and image manipulation
  • Automatic conversion of Creator 7 templates
  • FREE Creatorpreneurs Academy Quick-Wins (every week)

And, along with the new software, you’ll be getting FREE, weekly “Quick-Wins”. These are quick strategies and marketing tips that help you create amazing designs and use them in your marketing. Our goal is simply to help you take action and grow your business!

Leave a comment below and let us know what you think!

  • Marc & Lisa

How to Create Cool Motion Backgrounds for Social Media with The Graphics Creator

Have you ever waved your hands in the air (and maybe even jumped up and down!) to get the attention of a friend across the room? Ya know, to say “Hey, I’m here, so come over and say hi”.

Well, in order to get attention from friends and potential customers or partners online, you need to do the same thing. Only, they won’t see you if you’re waving your hands around. So, what can you do instead to get noticed?
Watch this video and see how easy it is to create MOTION GRAPHICS

Give them interesting and exciting visual content that makes them stop and take a look! Add a little bit of motion or animation to your social media and marketing designs. Not only will these designs jump out at your viewer, but they’ll also make you look sophisticated and professional.

Easily create cool motion graphics for social media, marketing, blog, web pages and more

Instead of spending months waving your hands in the air and jumping up and down, get attention in a way that really compels your viewer to read and click on your content. The Graphics Creator helps you design an attention-getting motion graphic image from pre-designed templates… and in just a few minutes.

Use Laughingbird Software’s motion design templates as a starting point or add animated elements to any static template.

Watch the video above for a quick and easy motion graphics tutorial.

How Do You Animate Graphics?

If you’re already a Photoshop expert, you can probably make an animated graphic without too much trouble.

For the rest of us small business owners, entrepreneurs, and beginning designers, you can make an animated gif or motion background in just a few minutes with The Graphics Creator.

Easily create a graphic and download the results to use in Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and even Pinterest (did you know you can create a motion video pin?).

Although you might think you need an entire motion video to get attention, you really only need a cool moving background within your graphic.

How to Make a Moving Background

It’s easy. Just watch the video and follow along. You’ll create your first animated image in under 15 minutes.

Make these three EASY motion animated designs :

Facebook Brand Graphics

Use video motion in your Facebook timeline header and create an ad with the same brand design.

When people click over to your Facebook page from an ad, they’ll be comforted by seeing the same colors, fonts, and overall look and feel that they’re familiar with. They’ll know they’re in the right place and that they’re dealing with a professional company.

Animated Inspirational Quote

An encouraging, funny, or helpful quote gets more “likes” on social media than just a pretty image. Then add a design that moves in the background! Now you’re drawing the eyes of viewers that might not have been interested otherwise.

Note: Make sure that, once someone enjoys your inspiration, they know what action to take. Leave a call-to-action (specifically tell them what to do next), logo, link to your site (URL), professional name, or company name on your image.

Pinterest Video Pins

Yes, video pins! Pinterest has said repeatedly that video will get you more views. So what are you waiting for?

Get some ideas from Laughingbird Software’s Pinterest boards.

Motion backgrounds for every design

Add motion to ANY Graphics Creator template, whether it be a social media, logo, or even viral puzzle template! Watch the video above to see exactly how to place a motion background behind a puzzle image.

And let me tell you that whenever Marc or I have posted a viral puzzle design on Facebook, it gets more engagement than ANY other type of post.

This is because it’s fun and challenging, as well as the fact that people leave their answer in the comments (we’ve had up to a few hundred comments on just one post… within two days)! And then they watch to find out the correct answer (which we always post within a day or two).

So take that and add another cool, eye-catching element… a motion background!

Create Motion Graphics Fast

Now that you’ve read this article, you have absolutely no excuse for posting boring, unprofessional marketing designs and social media… ever again! Get attention quickly and double the clicks over to your site with a little movement in your visual content.

Bonus Idea: Stand out even more by using fun and expressive characters in your designs, moving or still. The Graphics Creator has hundreds of mannequin characters, mascots, and cartoon images already included!

Use these mascot characters over these animated backgrounds:

Design Creative Graphics with these 5 Fun Ideas

Have you ever thought how cool it’d be to become a professional designer, but decided there was way too much money and time involved? Not to mention that your plate is full already, right?

Well, here are 5 creative graphics ideas that you can design in less than one hour, even if you’re not a graphic designer.

Creative Graphics Ideas that You Can Create with the Scenery Creator Templates and Software

One of the techniques that’ll make you look like a professional designer is layering graphics. Photoshop actually uses layers to create a final design.

However, you’re probably thinking that there’s no way you have time to spend months learning how to create amazing graphics (you’d rather start creating now)!

Here are 5 fun and creative design ideas that’ll make you look like a professional designer. Use pre-designed layers with images included in the Scenery Creator templates software or import your own photos.

Download The Scenery Creator templates!

The video shows you exactly how to make the 5 creative designs ideas below:

Birthday Card Graphics

Make a birthday or holiday e-card for family, friends, or clients without spending upwards of $5.99 on each card. Personalize each card with a background photo…perhaps a picture of you and your friend, or even a beautiful photo that you know your mom would like.

FYI… the Web Graphics Creator online software comes with instant access to professional photos within the software.

Creative Photo Frames

Why email just a picture when you can use beautiful layers to frame it first?

Invitation Designs

Let’s face it! Invitations are expensive and time-consuming to write and send. Instead, create one professional-looking invitation just by dragging and dropping layers and images… then email it or post on social media for your invitees to see.


Design flyers with creative graphics instead of just a boring image and text. After all, the point is to get people to your event, not bore them with another piece of paper that’ll end up in the trash. Again, just email it directly or post it on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Many schools and agencies will also include flyers in their newsletter or as an attachment to their monthly calendar.

Inspirational Images

Sharing inspiration and favorite quotes are some of the most popular posts on social media. Get creative and design a layered graphic with a stunning background image. Then add a helpful tip or quote. Post on social or send to friends, family, or clients.

That’s just five creative graphic designs you can make with the Scenery Creator software templates!

Make 3-5 of your own creative graphics in less than one hour:

Download The Scenery Creator templates!

P.S. You might also be interested in using layered graphics for your creative background images.