Home Social Media Design Social Media Analytics: How to Use Them to Grow Your Business

Social Media Analytics: How to Use Them to Grow Your Business

Social Media Analytics: How to Use Them to Grow Your Business

Want to find out how your social media channels are doing?

Here’s a super-duper, FREE tool that’ll give you the information you need to grow your biz… with the help of other successful businesses. It’s been especially helpful for our YouTube channel! However, you can use it for other social channels as well.

It’s called Socialblade.com.

SocialBlade.com is a free-to-use website that displays your YouTube statistics – or the stats of any social channel you’re interested in – using a simple layout.

Check your own stats by typing your own channel name into the search bar.

If you want to use Social Blade to monitor somebody else’s stats, type their channel name instead.

Research Your Competitors Social Media Analytics

By looking up your direct competitors (channels about the same size as yours within your same niche) you’ll be able to see what content is performing best for them.

So, if you’re researching YouTube, you’ll find out which videos get them the most interaction. You can then look at what type of video, content, title, and thumbnail graphic they’re using on their top videos.

Pay particular attention to the thumbnail graphic of successful videos. This image is the first thing to catch the attention of your audience when they’re scanning YouTube’s video content.

Create YouTube Channel Graphics to Improve Your Analytics

So, make a bright, colorful thumbnail for each YouTube video or get some ideas from the top videos in your niche. And, try putting new thumbnail images on old videos that are missing a stunning graphic.

Knowing what is working for your rivals will help you design your own YouTube graphics and content strategy.

You can also use Social Blade to look up YouTube influencers (super successful YouTubers), to see how much money they’re actually making. Take their estimated revenue with a grain of salt, though – it’s just an estimate.

That’s how you can use Social Blade for YouTube – try it now!


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